Guinea pigs are one of the most popular pet small animals. They have long been a staple of many homes and are easy to care for. They don’t require much space and can live together in an apartment or house.
They make great companions for children, who will love playing with them and caring for them. They also love cuddling with their owners at night, but they are not sexual pets.
Guinea pigs are curious and social by nature which makes them ideal as a companion animal for people who want a furry friend that won’t demand too much from their time.
These little piggy pets also make excellent therapy pets, being quiet and calm by nature. The fact that they weigh less than a pound as adults make them an ideal pet for children as well.
How Big Is A Full Grown Guinea Pig?
A fully grown guinea pig can grow up to seven pounds, with some reaching as much as 10 pounds. They are also highly susceptible to health problems and may need medical treatment from time to time.
However, guinea pigs are sweet and friendly animals that won’t bite or scratch their owners. They do not have any teeth and their diet is mostly vegetables and hay.
Additionally, they don’t require a lot of food, so you don’t have to worry about overfeeding them like most other small pets.
How Big Is The Biggest Guinea Pig In The World?
The largest guinea pig in the world was named Hercules and weighed a whopping 120lbs. He was kept at the Blackwood Wildlife Park in the UK.
Guinea pigs are of average size, usually weighing around 1lb-2lbs but can grow up to 3lbs. The average lifespan for a guinea pig is about 6 years, which means it’s likely you’ll have one for a long time!
How Big Does A Male Guinea Pig Get?
Guinea pigs come in a variety of sizes. On average, male guinea pigs grow to be about six inches long and weigh from 1-1/2 pounds up to 3 pounds at full maturity.
Females on the other hand are slightly smaller and reach about eight inches in length and weigh about half a pound at full maturity.
A guinea pig is small enough to fit into some purses, so they are also appropriate as an animal that can travel with you when you want.
They do need a lot of attention and care, but they are intelligent and curious creatures who will appreciate being given the time they need.
If you’re looking for a pet who will be friendly and social while also providing entertainment, you may want to consider adopting a guinea pig as a companion animal.
What Age Is Guinea Pig Fully Grown?
A full-grown guinea pig will usually weigh between 1.5 and 3 pounds as an adult, with females being on the smaller side of the spectrum. They have a lifespan of about five years as adults if taken care of well.
Guinea pigs grow slowly and their growth is quite slow. They are one year old when they are fully grown, so if you want to get your guinea pig at one year old or younger, you may need to buy it from a breeder instead of adopting one in rescue centers or shelters.