Knowing the importance of regular drinking for your guinea pig, it can be a challenge to know when enough is enough.
This is especially so if you are caring for a guinea pig with a water consumption issue. As guinea pigs, they are naturally inclined to drink frequently.
They do this to keep themselves hydrated and stay cool during warm seasons. Water also maintains their balance and ensures that their internal organs function well.
That being said, not all water is equal. Not all brands have the same nutritional value and some may contain dangerous minerals that could potentially harm your pet if they’re consumed in excess.
However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t good brands out there as well as cheaper ones too! Here we take a look at how long a guinea pig can go without drinking water, as well as ways to help them get hydrated again when necessary.
How To Tell If A Guinea Pig Is Dehydrated?
A guinea pig’s body needs to be hydrated for optimal function. If your pet is dehydrated, it may have a bloated belly with a slimy mouth and nose.
Their eyes may also appear sunken in, as well as their ears and nares.
When you’re caring for a guinea pig, you will often see them drinking water all the time. But if you notice that they are not drinking enough or seem to have an issue with their water consumption, it might be time to take them in for a checkup.
However, don’t worry if your pet isn’t showing any signs of dehydration. There are other ways to tell if they’re experiencing hydration issues without having to visit the vet.
One way is by watching how much food they eat. If your guinea pig is eating less than normal or at irregular intervals, it could be due to low water levels in its body.
This would leave them feeling lethargic and possibly even sickly since their organs aren’t functioning properly either. Other signs of dehydration include:
– Drools excessively
– Sighs loudly when inhaling
– Rolls over onto their side on the floor
– Shakes head from side to side rapidly
– Pacing back and forth aimlessly
– Lick’s fur from the surface of the cage
How Often Do Guinea Pigs Need Water?
It’s hard to say how often your guinea pig needs to drink water.
You would have to evaluate their lifestyle and what they are doing on a day-to-day basis. Some factors that could affect the amount of water your guinea pig needs is breed, heat and humidity levels, exercise, age, and diet.
Most guinea pigs need about 1/4-1/2 cups of water per day. If your guinea pig is drinking 1/8 – 1/4 cup of water daily then you are likely to be in good shape.
What Happens If Guinea Pigs Don’t Drink Water?
The effects of not drinking water on a guinea pig can be quite severe. If your pet goes more than two hours without water, they can become severely dehydrated.
This is because the kidneys are reabsorbing too much fluid and not enough is being excreted. When this happens, your guinea pig might start showing symptoms such as:
-Decreased appetite
-Excessive panting
-Increased heart rate
-Excessive drooling
If your pet has gone through these symptoms, you should immediately take them to a vet.
How To Rehydrate Your Guinea Pig?
There are a few methods you can use to rehydrate your guinea pig. Some of these methods include giving it fresh water, ice cubes, a cool bath, and even putting them in a basin with fresh water. This may take some trial and error as to what works best for your pet.
If your guinea pig is drinking more than it should be, you can also try feeding them their favorite treat to see if that helps revitalize their thirst.
It might also help to get your guinea pig out of the cage and spend time with them outside. As long as he or she is getting enough exercise and outdoor time, this may decrease their need for hydration.
Can Guinea Pig Drink Water From Bowl?
Guinea pigs drink water to help with digestion, for their body temperature, and to maintain their urinary tract health.
When a guinea pig is dehydrated, its urine will become darker and thicker because they are not able to eliminate waste properly. They also won’t urinate as often and may experience problems including kidney failure.
Guinea pigs need at least 1-2 liters of water per day so you should only give them water from a bottle that has been cleaned according to instructions on the label.
This way you can reduce the risk of any harmful bacteria or minerals being spread in your pet’s drinking water. They should also be given fresh food regularly as this helps keep them hydrated too!