If you have a guinea pig as a pet and you’ve noticed that their smell is starting to get pretty stinky, then you’re not alone. You see, guinea pigs are self-cleaning animals, and that means they produce their own urine to clean the area in which they live.
As long as they have somewhere to run and play in, this urine smell will dissipate within a day or two. However, if they don’t have the space or opportunity to do this regularly, the smell of their urine can become quite strong.
In some cases, it can even be enough to make other pets start getting sick from the smell.
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to get rid of the smell of your guinea pig pee once it has set around for a while. You may be able to mask it with some cleaners for a little while, but that won’t remove the odor from your guinea pig forever.
Luckily though, there are some things that you can do to help mask the smell until it starts smelling better again on its own again. Let’s take a look at how you can get rid of that urine smell so your pet doesn’t feel so self-conscious about staying in their enclosure.
Why Does My Guinea Pigs Pee Stink?
As mentioned above, guinea pigs are self-cleaning animals. This means that they produce their own urine to clean the area in which they live. If your guinea pig does not have the opportunity to do this regularly, then their pee can smell really strong.
In some cases, it can even be enough to make other pets start getting sick from the smell.
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to get rid of the smell of your guinea pig pee once it has set around for a while.
Can You Sprinkle Baking Soda In Guinea Pig Cage?
Yes, you can sprinkle a little baking soda in the guinea pig’s cage to help mask the smell. It will absorb some of the urine and give off that fresh, clean scent that your guinea pig loves. You can sprinkle a little bit in both their food and water dishes too.
If you want to be extra sure that there is no more urine odor, you can wash out the guinea pig’s bedding with warm water and gentle soap before replacing it.
This will remove any residual urine odor from the old bedding and make it easier for your pet to feel more comfortable when they use their cage again.
As an added bonus, this will also help get rid of any stains on your pet’s bedding too!
Are Plug In Air Fresheners Safe For Guinea Pigs?
One way to get rid of the smell is to use a plug-in air freshener. These work by creating an artificial scent that you can place around your guinea pig’s cage to help mask the smell of their pee.
There are a few things to consider before deciding if these are safe for guinea pigs, though:
1. Air fresheners are only meant to be used by humans or other animals with a sense of smell and should not be used in areas where they could come into contact with your guinea pig’s food or water.
2. Be careful about using products that contain natural scents like lavender, because those may have been known to be toxic for animals in the past.
3. Don’t forget that there are some harmful ingredients that can cause health problems and even death if ingested by your guinea pig, so read labels carefully when buying any air fresheners.
Is Guinea Pig Poop And Urine Toxic To Breathe?
Guinea pig urine and guinea pig poop are not toxic to breathe as many people may think. Guinea pigs are very clean animals, and their urine and feces simply consist of water, ammonia, and waste products that the guinea pig excretes from its body.
You might see this as a good thing or a bad thing, but at the end of the day, your guinea pig will be just fine if they ingest any of this poop or pee while they are playing with it.
It’s not poisonous to guinea pigs in any way. The only time you should worry about this is when your guinea pig pees or poops on the bedding that you have for them.
If they pee or poop on the bedding then you should wash it immediately to prevent any harmful bacteria from entering through their mouth into your pet’s body.