If you’re looking for an ideal pet, then a guinea pig is the right choice.
These adorable rodents are social, friendly, and playful. They make wonderful pets for people who have enough spare time to interact with them on a daily basis.
They are also low maintenance and very inexpensive to keep. However, if you’re not prepared to take care of a pet or have the space for one, then it might not be the right fit for you.
A pet guinea pig doesn’t require much maintenance, which makes them perfect as second pets or even as household helpers.
These little mammals thrive in an environment that has clean food and water available at all times. The following article will discuss everything that you should know about these lovable creatures so that you can make the right choice should you decide to get one of your own.
Why Are Guinea Pigs Called Guinea Pigs?
Guinea pigs are known by this name because of their fur. These animals have distinctive, long muzzles with white-tipped black noses. Guinea pigs have a yellowish-gray coat that is full of little white spots.
While these spotted rodents can be brown, gray, or black in color, they most commonly come in shades of pink and yellow. They have large ears and short legs for their size.
Although guinea pigs are born with dark eyes, the dark pigment begins to fade at around four weeks of age. At six weeks, the pig’s eyes turn completely white while it continues to grow its pigmented back hair.
The guinea pig’s fur stays pretty much the same throughout its entire life span as it grows out continuously until it reaches around 8 months old. It then goes through a rapid phase where the hair starts to grow back in different colors and textures before finally stopping altogether at 12 months old.
Is A Guinea Pig Actually A Pig?
A guinea pig is not a pig, but it is in the same genus as a pig. They are part of the cavia family and are related to rabbits, hamsters, and mice. For this reason, they have similar characteristics like being friendly and playful.
Is A Guinea Pig A Good Pet?
A guinea pig is an ideal second pet or even a household helper.
In addition, these rodents are intelligent and social animals who make excellent pets for children and can help care for them. But, if you’re not prepared to take care of a pet or have the space for one, then it might not be the right fit for you.
Guinea pigs are very low maintenance and don’t require much in terms of daily care. You simply need to provide them with clean food and water at all times so that they stay happy and healthy.
They also thrive on human attention, which makes them ideal pets for children as well as adults who aren’t able to spend much time caring for their pets due to work commitments or other obligations.
Guinea pigs can also be trained to perform simple tricks like “guinea pig-ing” (walking on your hand) and going through the hoop. However, they should not be kept in small cages because they need room to exercise in order to be healthy and happy.
If you own a guinea pig, please keep an eye out for any issues related to health.
Why You Should Not Get A Guinea Pig?
There are some reasons why you should not get a guinea pig as a pet.
One reason is that they have wild instincts and will escape if given the chance. Guinea pigs are playful, so it’s important to remember that they need plenty of time outside of their cage to play.
If they don’t receive this time, then they can become destructive by digging tunnels or chewing on things in their cage. Another reason why you should not get a guinea pig for your first pet is that they require a lot of care and attention.
They are relatively delicate creatures, so care needs to be taken when handling these little guys. They also need lots of attention from their owner, which means that these animals might not be good pets for people who work full-time or can’t spend much time with them during the day.
For those who do want to give the guineas pigs the care that they deserve, there’s plenty of information available online on how to properly take care of these wonderful creatures.
Are Guinea Pigs Easy To Pet?
If you’re looking for an easy pet, then a guinea pig is a perfect choice. Guinea pigs are social and friendly, which makes them an ideal pet for people who want to spend time with their pets on a daily basis.
Guinea pigs also love being handled and will often greet you upon seeing you, which makes them great as companion animals.
Guinea pigs are also low-maintenance pets that require very little care.
How Long Do Guinea Pigs Live?
The average guinea pig lives between three to six years, but some have reached up to twelve years. In terms of their life span, these rodents are considered to be long-lived animals and are more like humans than other pets in this respect.
Do Guinea Pigs Like To Be Cuddled?
Guinea pigs are known to be one of the friendliest and most social animals around. They’re affectionate and enjoy being cuddled. They also like to play and run around.
These animals love a good bit of exercise and will be happy to entertain themselves with toys or games, too. Guinea pigs are also very calm and easy to handle, so they make good pets for children.
But remember that like any other type of pet, guinea pigs have their own set of needs as well.
They need plenty of space to explore, items from their food to chew on, fresh water at all times, and plenty of attention from people who want them to be healthy rodents in their new home.