The pet guinea pig is one of the most popular pets in the world today. In addition to being a great source of entertainment and joy, they are also useful as pest controllers.
They can detect small amounts of poisons and other chemicals in the environment. When they see something that smells like prey or fear, they pounce on it to catch it.
But what if you encounter one that was not raised with love? That is a different story entirely.
These creatures are capable of biting hard enough to draw blood. They do not have any teeth but saliva can be enough for them to leave red streaks on your skin when they attack people unprovoked.
Biting from a guinea pig can result in minor scrapes at worst but some bites from these animals have been so deep that people needed medical attention immediately afterward.
Why Does My Guinea Pig Bite Me?
Guinea pigs can bite because they want to play. They are more likely to bite when they are just a few days old and have not already gotten used to their surroundings.
When the guinea pig bites, it is solely for the purpose of playing. It does not show any signs that it wants to hurt you or anything else. If you see this behavior from your guinea pig, simply stop playing with it until it has calmed down again.
Alternatively, if you’re feeling as though your guinea pig is not enjoying playing with you, try keeping them in a separate room or cage until they calm down.
How Do You Pick Out A Guinea Pig?
When a guinea pig is new, it is hard to tell its maturity. However, the length of their hair can give clues as to how old they are. Generally speaking, guinea pigs have short hair and a pinkish or white coat that fades with time.
They are also covered in fur on their legs and belly which starts out gray but will eventually turn black. These changes are due to aging. The lifespan of a guinea pig is usually 4-5 years.
Some good signs of maturity include being able to stand up by themselves independently and being able to walk around without wobbling when they stand up. Their eyes should also be clear and not bloodshot or cloudy from cataracts or glaucoma.
If you are looking for a pet guinea pig, be sure that the animal has a healthy appetite and eats regularly throughout the day without any difficulty.
You should also be careful not to buy an animal if it looks sickly or lethargic because that could indicate potential health problems later on which may not be discovered until the animal gets older and its health deteriorates more rapidly than expected.
How Do I Know If My Guinea Pig Trusts Me?
When you get your guinea pig, it is ideal to take them out of their cage and let them explore the new surroundings.
Guinea pigs are naturally curious creatures. They like to explore, so they will want to investigate all the different things in the room.
This is a good opportunity for you to introduce yourself and the guinea pig to each other. If they seem wary or scared, this is a sign that they do not trust you yet.
Where Do Guinea Pigs Like To Be Petted?
Guinea pigs love to be patted on the belly. They also enjoy being petted with a rough cloth and they will not bite when they are treated in this manner.
The best way to stop them from biting is to hold them up at eye level while still keeping them close enough that they can be seen and giving them the freedom to move around the cage as they please.
When you are petting a guinea pig, make sure that your hand is always moving because it will learn what area of the body is safe for it to bite. It is important to remember that guinea pigs do use their teeth and will most likely bite if provoked.